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Customer Adoption

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Customer Adoption

Customer Adoption: Help Customers Embrace Your Product

Customer Adoption


The Customer Adoption Process is the mental process that an individual undertakes, from the breakthrough phase all the way to final adoption. When your customers start using your digital product and make sense of it, they have reached an "aha moment" or experienced the "eureka effect". They just realised how useful your product is. Not all customers realise this at the same time. But when they do, your business begins to really succeed.


Customer Adoption

Timing Is Everything

For new customers to adopt and use your product successfully, the first few weeks are crucial. You can see how enthusiastic customers are about your product through the customer adoption curve. The bell-shaped arch that splits customer data into innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority, and laggards shows when and how many customers are likely to commit to using your product or service. The data points suggest that people within the innovation category are most likely to adopt new technology or feature first, but they have a small overall population at around 2.5%.

Timing Is Everything

Customer Adoption

Customer Adoption Rate & Metrics

Of course, you want your new customers to stick around long after the initial “AHA” moment has passed. To see how many users are actively using your digital product (or a specific feature), count the total number of new signups (or active users using the specific feature) and divide by the number of new active users of the product (or of the specific feature). What you get is your adoption rate (or feature adoption rate). For example, if you have 20 new users this week and the number of total users is 200; your adoption rate is 20/200 x 100 = 20%. It can be calculated on a daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly basis.

Customer Adoption Rate & Metrics
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Customer Adoption

Our experts say...

Do your customers actively use your product and leverage its features? Here is a set of critical questions to be asked:

How many customers are logging in?
How do you measure the depth of adoption?
How many customers reach adoption Level 1, Level 2, Level 3?
How do you know which customers need attention?

With a stellar customer adoption strategy, you can get more paying customers, and keep them in the long run. Studies have shown that the median of growth in weekly active users (WAU) is 20% vs 159% (90th percentile). There is always room for improvement, and we know how.

Our experts say...


What is customer adoption, and why is it important?
What are some of the best ways to increase customer adoption?
What are 5 categories of users in the customer adoption curve?
Customer Experience

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Juraj Rosa
Juraj Rosa

CEO & Founder